
Shop 'Til You Drop!

I'm rounding out my gallery_wall and picked up a few more frames yesterday to finish up the collection!  Here's what I ended up with:

From Pottery Barn:
Thin Metal Profile Frames
I scored the large one in the back for 60% off!  Orig. $59, Sale price $19
(sold out online, but check your local store)

Wood Gallery Picture Frame, 8 x 10", White
I got this 8 x 10 frame 20% off!  Orig. $29, I paid $23!

Have I mentioned how much I L.O.V.E. Target??  Well, I do!
Product Image Room Essentials® Wood Frame-White
I got snagged this wide mat frame for just $17!

...and two more without mats for less than $3 each!

And my final score of the day came from my other love, Hobby Lobby.
I got this shadow box on promotion!  Orig. $18, I paid $9!

Grand Total:  6 frames for $74!
Total savings:  $55


  1. I have the PB ones and I also found very similar ones at Wal-Mart. You might want to check them out, much better prices. :)

  2. I definitely will!! I was specifically looking for frames with a combination of white and off-white in order to tie together our off-white trim and stark white bookshelves. I didn't see anything that would work at our local walmart, but I'll keep checking! Thanks!


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