
Can I get a woot woot?!!

Woot woot!!  Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU to Bobi over at shoestring_sophistication for awarding me with the Versatile Blogger Award!  I'm thrilled, and excited, and honored to be in the mix with some amazing talent!  So again, thank you Bobi! 
If you haven't seen her site yet, check it out!  I' with all of her DIY projects including drop-cloth curtains and she just fancied up her dresser with a great mirror project!

Alright, so a little about me!

1.  I graduated from the University of Arkansas (Woo Pig Sooie!!) with a B.A. in Journalism with a concentration in Advertising/Public Relations (the Mr. graduated with a degree in Accounting).

2. I'm left-handed and the only left-handed person in my family.

3. My design style can be summed up as cozy contemporary.

4. I was on Dance Team throughout jr. high and high school and my perkiness has continued into adulthood.  Yes, sometimes it annoys people, haha!

5. My favorite places to shop for decor is World Market, IKEA, West Elm, Z Gallerie, and Target!  We don't have the first four within 5 hours of here, but I shop online like a crazy person and love having a package on my doorstep when I get home!

6. I have a pup named Abby and she turns 5 this summer.  She's my baby and my partner in crime!

7. I'm a wine-o!  My faves--Santa Margarita Pinot Grigio and Relax Riesling

That's me!  And now I'm passing this award on to five of my blogger faves!  Go ahead, add them to your reader now because you won't be disappointed!  Happy reading!!  In no particular order:

1. Everything_I_Do
2. The_Redhead_at_Home
3. shoestring_sophistication
4. Pretty_City_Things
5. What_you_Make_it

For these awards, the blogger must:
1. Thank the person who gave you the award &
link back to their site in your original post.
2. Tell us seven things about yourself.
3. Pass along the award to five newly discovered bloggers.
4. Contact these bloggers and let them know they got this award.

1 comment:

  1. Michelle, thank you so much! I will be linking you back tonight :) :) Thanks again!


I heart comments! They make me all warm and fuzzy inside :) And thank you so much for stopping by!