
Mason Jars to the Rescue

Happy Monday!  Hope everyone had a great weekend!  The Mr. and I spent the weekend cleaning, working outside, and shopping!  We ended the day cookin' out on the grill!  When we sat down to eat, we quickly figured out that we needed some candles, in addition to our tiki torches, to scare the bugs away!  So I dug out a few mason jars from my stash and whipped up a quick little solution!
Cute right??  Now, I told you all about my love for mason jars here and showed you my painted mason jar project here.  So it's no surprised that they were my go-to item for my outdoor candle project!  So, here's my supa-fast (supa=REALLY) tutorial since these are a little self explanatory anyways!  Here's what you'll need to get started:
Okay, so the wine is optional.  Other than that, I gathered up:
  • mason jars
  • twine
  • scissors
  • hot glue gun (not pictured)
  • citronella tealights
 I started by using a dab of hot glue to set the starting point for the twine.
 Then, I wrapped away, making my way up to the rim of the glass.  I also dabbed a bit of glue in different places throughout the wrapping process to make sure everything was held into place.
Then I used a separate piece of twine to tie the bow and secured it with another dab of glue.
 Tie your bow and...Voila!!

What a cute way to keep those pesky insects away from our outdoor living space!  Now, let's break it down:
  • mason jars:  on hand, free
  • twine:  on hand, free
  • scissors and glue gun:  on hand, free
  • citronella tealights:  $2 for a package of 12

Have a great week!!

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