

Is anyone else in complete denial that it's already the end of July!  I guess time really does fly when you're having fun working on DIY projects!  I've been working super hard this week and I wanted to give you a little sneak peek until I can give you the full run down on Monday!  I'm working on our office/craftroom (check out my inspiration here) and I've got a huge painting project underway (hint:  it's NOT plain ol' stripes.  That wouldn't be any fun now would it?).  And what's that in the bottom left corner?
It looks blue to me y'all!  And this handy dandy laser level that the Mr. found on clearance (I taught him well) has become my BPFF (Best Project Friend Forever)! 
I can't wait to put on my paint clothes and work until the wee hours of the night to show off my oh-so-exciting and way-outta-my-comfort-zone DIY projects that are making a huge impact for very little moo-la.  Have a great weekend and happy projecting...or relaxing.  Whatever floats your boat!

I'll be linking my little Wall-o-Shelves + Gallery Wall project to these par-tays so head over, check them out, and be inspired!  Have a great weekend!
Weekend Bloggy ReadingFeathered Nest Friday

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