
Light Fixture Lust

I decided to tackle another project in the office and get that much closer to calling it "finished."  Well, finished for now :)  But first, I thought I better fill you in on a favorite element I added a couple of months ago.  Let there be LIGHT!

Remember this PROGRESS shot:

That dining room chandelier just wasn't doin' it for me.  Enter my beloved West Elm Globe Pendant:
Detailed View

I have to give props to the Mr. for being my knight in shining armour when it came to installing that beauty.  Here she is in all her glory:

LOVE.  One more pic for good measure...and because I heart my new light fixture: 

That was the good.  Now for the bad and ugly.  You can't see it from this angle, but there is a corner just to the front right of the desk that holds my stuff.  Stuff=fabric, sewing machine,  JUNK.  Case in point:

I. need. storage.  So we headed to Lowe's and came home with my next DIY project:

See you Wednesday!


  1. Hi, Michelle!
    Your office looks fantastic! I love all the neutrals with the bright pop of blue! The light fixture is perfect!

    Good luck on your next DIY project!


  2. Your office is coming along beautifully! I love the chevron wall, blue desk and stained shelves!


I heart comments! They make me all warm and fuzzy inside :) And thank you so much for stopping by!