
My Life via Instagram

Why hello there!  Yes, I'm still alive.  And still pregnant.  However, I'm on the home stretch and can't wait to get back into my regularly scheduled blogging!  So I thought I would start today since I need to keep busy and my mind off the fact that I still have this bowling ball sized bump attached to my body.  AND, I've been working hard on lots of projects and can't wait to share them with you!  Here's my life for the last 6 months via instagram!

39 weeks and ready for her to make her appearance already!!

A sneak peek at the nursery!  This is the reading nook...I'll be sharing the rest of the room this week!

...and a few more shots of the room and my latest craving!
The feed sack is probably my favorite framed item in the room...a friend saw it and picked it up for me at a flea market (our last name is Hubbard!).  Thanks Ashley H.!

Here are a couple of projects that went into the room:

Our latest project got put together last night and I'll be working on filling it up/styling it today!

That's what we've been up to!  How about you?  Any great projects going on at your home?  Anyone else got a bun in the oven and finding it IMPOSSIBLE to keep up with everything?!

More nursery pics and a full shelving unit coming soon!!  You can find me on Instagram @mlhubbard03 !!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! You look great and so does the nursery! I'm grabbing my phone to follow you on IG now! @emilyanninteriors

    Hope baby makes her appearance soon!


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