
New Momma Must-Haves

With all the baby-bump pics showing up in my news feeds, I thought I would share what I have found to be my must-have items since gaining my own bundle of joy!  Of course I can't share them all in one post, so there will be more to come in the next few months!  These are what popped into my head when I first started brainstorming the items I couldn't live without:
1. a + a Swaddle Blankets-These are perfect for swaddling, breast-feeding cover-up, play time on the floor...pretty much anything.
2. Zo-li Buzz Nail Trimmer-This is actually a nail file and is perfect for filing down those teeny-tiny nails
3. Sleepy Sounds App (FREE)-We love the "white noise" and "nature sounds."  When we lay down at night, this app gets turned on and Miss Finlee is content to fall asleep within minutes.
4. Motorola MBP36 Video Monitor-We did extensive research before deciding on this one, but it was worth it.  Two-way talk, tilt/scan capabilities, multiple cameras, and a large monitor.  I believe we can even hook it up to the TV, we just haven't yet!  Seriously...LOVE!
5. Snuggin Go Infant Positioner-This makes all those wonderful swings and bouncy seats comfy for even the tiniest of babies.  Stick it in your Mamaroo and you are ready to crooked necks here!
6. Moby Wrap-Life.Saver.  This is the only way to get anything done.  I use it when I go grocery shopping or even out to eat!
7. Ubbi Pail-No stinky diapers here.  Literally--Can't smell 'em.  This pail is AH-mazing!  It fits any bags (so you can just use your trash bags if you want!) AND they have a cloth bag for cloth diapering.  Just stick it in the wash when you wash your load of diapers and you are good-to-go!
8. BumGenius All-in-One-Can I just say that I LOVE cloth diapering.  No turning back here.  And these BumGenius all-in-ones take the cake:  no stuffing, no covers, no additional work.  It's the convenience of disposables with the earth-friendliness and cost-savings of cloth.

There ya have it!  I'll be doing a whole cloth diaper post in the future for you mommas looking into them!  This weekend, we'll be doing some projects around the house and I can't wait to show you our progress!

So mommas, what can't you live without?!  Not that I need help shopping/spending money!

**I wasn't paid or perked for linking these products.  I just had a great experience with them and wanted to share the wealth.  Happy shopping!

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