
Offices on the Brain

This week just flew by before my very eyes!  I'm finishing up an e-Design  and I have offices on the brain.  This naturally leads me to my not-so-secret inspiration rockstar--Pinterest.  What's that?  You're on Pinterest too?  Follow me here!

So here's what I've been pinning!

Nailhead trim on pinboard...yes please!

I love every. single. thing. in this room.

Ghost chairs = love.  Totally digging the display of art too!

This huge pinboard is a must.  And I love the texture of the linen.

Loving the clipboards functioning like a pinboard!  And I love me some mid century modern!

This all neutral room works with the abundance of textures.  A cup of coffee and a Google Reader full of new posts and I could be in here all day!

How genius/cool is this?  My wheels are turning...

I really like the leaning art on the top shelf and I'm drooling over the leopard print chair!

I'm a sucker for a good gallery wall and this is beautiful.  Loving the combination of elements--empty frames, hanging frames and floating shelves.

The best part of my week:  it was Christmas in September over here when my samples came in for my client's office:

I should have a pretty exciting project for you on Monday!  Happy Weekend!!

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1 comment:

  1. I spy my curtain fabric. (The yellow.) I have around 20 yards of that sitting in my dining room as we speak.

    Can't wait to see the combination. I love the navy.


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